The concept of "arousal in men" can be viewed from two points of view: situational (temporary) strong sexual desire, which in the absence of implementation leads to painful sensations, and constantly increased libido (satire, hypersexuality). In the latter case, the permanent sexual arousal does not disappear after ejaculation and significantly worsens the quality of life: the man is not able to concentrate on any activity, he is nervous, depressed. Such hypersexuality is, in fact, similar to priapism - an unreasonable painful erection that does not subside after ejaculation. The reasons can be both physiological and psychogenic.
Causes and symptoms of hypersexuality
In young men, frequent sexual arousal, up to spontaneous ejaculation, is normal, due to increased testosterone levels. This is the so-called pubertal hypersexuality. The main symptoms are:
- Feeling of enlargement of the genitals ("ringing of eggs");
- Increased sensitivity of erogenous zones;
- Intermittent fever, sweating;
- Increased urination, often accompanied by painful pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.
Urologists usually do not attach much importance to complaints of hypersexuality if they come from young patients. Doctors send them to a psychologist, but they prescribe tests for genital infections just in case.
Abnormal hypersexuality can be congenital (primary) or acquired. The congenital form of hypersexuality can be associated with pathologies of the central nervous system, endocrine disorders and mental disorders. The acquired form is divided into physiological and pathological. In the first case, the increased sex drive can be caused by stress or high levels of testosterone in the blood.
The pathological form usually develops on the background of organic pathologies of the central nervous system. They are caused by:
- Neuroinfections (encephalitis, meningitis).
- Head trauma.
- Vascular lesions and brain tumors.
- Poisoning caused by the use of alcohol or drugs.
Hypersexuality in adulthood can be caused by endocrine disorders - an excess of stress hormones or testosterone (due to hyperfunction of the testicles or adrenal cortex).
Hypersexuality of a neurotic nature develops on the basis of feelings of inferiority, a lack of confidence in one’s male solvency. The constant desire for sexual intercourse in this case is an unconscious attempt to prove to oneself and others that there are no problems with intimate life.
Increased hypersexuality of a neurotic nature can occur in men of retirement age during the period of disappearance of sexual function. In this case, the reason is a subconscious desire to "stay in line, " to make up for what he may have lacked in his youth.
The difference between normal hypersexuality and pathological
The line between hypersexuality caused by a strong sexual constitution and caused by a pathological condition is arbitrary. Some men need sex every day and multiple times. It is normal for the process to bring satisfaction and satisfaction, without suffering professional, creative and social activity (developed structure of needs). In this case, we can talk about a high level of vital energy, not a pathological excessive excitation.
Natural primary hypersexuality may be due to genetic characteristics. Men whose fathers were sexually active are more likely to follow in their footsteps.
Satyriasis is an obsessive painful need for sex that is almost impossible to get rid of. Over time, such men tend to be sexually perverted, because normal relationships become too tasteless for them. Other aspects of life are given almost no time. Such hypersexuality can be imaginary or manic. The latter form is much more difficult to correct.
The physiological symptoms of hypersexuality in adult men are similar to those in puberty:
- Prolonged erection even from a transient erotic image, fantasy;
- Premature ejaculation;
- Feelings of withdrawal in the lower abdomen.
A significant difference between pathology and the norm is that men with a strong sexual constitution are able to quickly switch to other types of activities (work, everyday life) immediately after satisfying their physiological sexual need. Pathological hypersexuality forces you to literally immediately seek the possibility of a new sexual relationship.
Agitation and testicular pain
Testicular pain due to unrealized sexual arousal occurs in many men, not necessarily hypersexual. The degree of discomfort is different for everyone. The pain can be so severe that it is difficult for a person to walk. This is due to excessive blood flow to the genitals, which leads to pinching of the nerve endings. It is enough for the patient to relax, or to use an anesthetic or antispasmodic.
The cause of pain during excessive excitation may be varicocele or genital infection, whose activity weakens the testicular tissue, disrupting their normal structure. If the symptom occurs regularly, you should consult a urologist.
If, with excessive arousal, there is already a clear feeling of discomfort in the groin, then masturbation or sex will not bring relief. On the other hand, orgasm can be blurry and ejaculation can be very painful. The pain will be felt for another two hours, and in some men it will not subside for a few days. You can alleviate the discomfort with aspirin. Peppermint infusion will help relax smooth muscles.
The only way to prevent pain is to avoid overstimulation. If you have a date without intimacy, but sexual inclination is not excluded, then it is better to ejaculate in advance. It sounds strange, but this option is better than then because of the "return" to several hours of acute pain, which is literally excluded from normal life.
Other problems of hypersexuality
Increased anxiety in men, inability to control the degree of sexual desire can become a serious problem. With every provocation, even in a public place, there is an erection that is difficult to hide.
Absurd situations often occur: sexual arousal during foreplay (often accompanied by the release of lubricant from Cooper's glands) ends with the penis falling off during insertion or premature ejaculation even before it.
Hypersexuality prevents you from focusing on important business issues. Such men are not able to concentrate, show initiative, which is why they often lose a promising job.
How to get rid of obsessive hypersexuality
The treatment of hypersexuality depends on the cause. Physiological factors should be eliminated first. To do this, you should start with a visit to the urologist, check that there is no pathology of the reproductive system, check hormone levels. A neurologist will help identify problems with the brain and spinal cord.
Psychogenic hypersexuality is dealt with by psychologists-sexologists. You can only help a patient if he is aware of the problem and wants to get rid of it. The choice of method depends on how rich a man's intimate life is, in what ways, apart from sex, he can enjoy it, what efforts he is willing to invest in treatment. If the patient is not able to concentrate and communicate with the psychologist, hypnosis is used. In parallel with psychotherapeutic methods, if necessary, antidepressants, sedatives and hypnotics are prescribed.
What to do at home
Sexual arousal can haunt from morning to evening. If hypersexuality is not caused by physical pathologies, you can try the following methods to reduce it:
- Cold shower, bladder emptying or daily activities. It must be borne in mind that a morning erection is a normal occurrence, a sign of the absence of vascular impotence.
- It is recommended that you take all your free time during the day. Endurance training (moderate cardio, low weight repetitions) can help relieve sexual tension. Exercises with heavy weights, squats, work on mixing and lifting the legs, on the contrary, will lead to the activation of the genitals.
- It is advisable to take a sedative before going to bed so that the psycho-emotional activity starts to slow down.
You can try to deal with hypersexuality with the help of decoctions of sedative herbs or pharmaceutical herbal preparations. It is important to take into account that such funds, especially valerian, begin to act only after a few days of regular use (cumulative effect).
If hypersexuality is caused by alcohol or drug intoxication, then the condition cannot be corrected without getting rid of bad habits. By taking enterosorbents you can help the body eliminate toxic substances.
Excitement, hypersexuality is much worse than decreased libido. In the latter case, many men lead a full-fledged social life, achieving success in professional activities, not paying much attention to the lack of sex. Addiction to it makes a person emotionally (and then physically) disabled. True hypersexuality rarely develops. Basically, men themselves cultivate in their minds the need to have sex. Such thoughts are instilled by a certain information environment, the environment. Experts believe that the higher the intellectual level of development, as well as the level of employment of a person, the less likely he is to develop any mental addiction.